
Author: Keith Bourgoin, Emmett Butler

class pykafka.client.KafkaClient(hosts='', zookeeper_hosts=None, socket_timeout_ms=30000, offsets_channel_socket_timeout_ms=10000, use_greenlets=False, exclude_internal_topics=True, source_address='', ssl_config=None)

Bases: object

A high-level pythonic client for Kafka

NOTE: KafkaClient holds weak references to Topic instances via pykafka.cluster.TopicDict. To perform operations directly on these topics, such as examining their partition lists, client code must hold a strong reference to the topics it cares about. If client code doesn’t need to examine Topic instances directly, no strong references are necessary.

__init__(hosts='', zookeeper_hosts=None, socket_timeout_ms=30000, offsets_channel_socket_timeout_ms=10000, use_greenlets=False, exclude_internal_topics=True, source_address='', ssl_config=None)

Create a connection to a Kafka cluster.

Documentation for source_address can be found at

  • hosts (bytes) – Comma-separated list of kafka hosts to which to connect. If ssl_config is specified, the ports specified here are assumed to be SSL ports
  • zookeeper_hosts (bytes) – KazooClient-formatted string of ZooKeeper hosts to which to connect. If not None, this argument takes precedence over hosts
  • socket_timeout_ms (int) – The socket timeout (in milliseconds) for network requests
  • offsets_channel_socket_timeout_ms (int) – The socket timeout (in milliseconds) when reading responses for offset commit and offset fetch requests.
  • use_greenlets (bool) – Whether to perform parallel operations on greenlets instead of OS threads
  • exclude_internal_topics (bool) – Whether messages from internal topics (specifically, the offsets topic) should be exposed to the consumer.
  • source_address (str ‘host:port’) – The source address for socket connections
  • ssl_config (pykafka.connection.SslConfig) – Config object for SSL connection

list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Update known brokers and topics.

Updates each Topic and Broker, adding new ones as found, with current metadata from the cluster.